MILK ONLY! for a whole month

The title says it "Milk Only" and no other type of food but I would like to add "Flakes" to this as well because I had both at breakfast, at lunch and also in dinner for a whole month. My beloved readers, this is one of the consequences which I had to suffer after the incident that occurred at the swimming pool. That whole incident is explained in my previous blog "LONG-AWAITED FALL...". My health was soon affected by that incident. I faced severe stomach and respiratory issues which pushed me into this journey. Nobody was expecting my immune system to be this slow that it took a month to fully recover my body suffering the issues caused due to the incident at the swimming pool. I also told that the water in the swimming pool was not fresh on the incident day which I didn't tell the doctor who examined me after that incident. The doctor told me that I would recover in a few days. But that was not the case. By the end of the month, I became an introvert as I stayed at home the whole month and changed my hobby and no sport. I'll take you through the whole one month journey.

The first change I had to make was to find a new hobby because that incident made a high impact on my mind if worse the game would be over for me so I had to reject swimming as my hobby and sport because in those days I couldn't stand a day without doing anything, I had to do something to kill my time just like sitting in a chair or on the bed and do nothing is tough. As I had to stay home which means that no socializing because of my health condition. And now is the main thought that how do I kill my time as there is no homework and no college and I'm not talkative at home so I was just sitting on my bed and I wanted to kill my time in something mind engaging and I thought that what about gaming but at that time and still now didn't have a gaming PC but I had a decent mobile that could game. So I download Asphalt Nitro as I love driving it was a perfect game for me. So that is how my one month journey began and now let me tell you about the first week.

In the first week, I started considering my room like a kingdom for me. My room was just a normal-sized room with an attached bathroom and no window. I had a single bed placed in the corner of the room, on the adjacent corner was my computer table and opposite corner to that was the bathroom and nothing else in my room. You might be thinking that the computer table would be the most fun thing for me but it wasn't, it was the bed which was the most fun thing in my room next to my phone. I had two pillows on my bed, one on which I would put my head on and the second I would place it with the wall so that I don't touch the cold wall. My bed had an old mattress and I didn't fit on my bed as well, my feet would be hanging off the bed. But most of my time was spent sitting with my back against the wall and use one of the pillows for cushioning and believe it or not I had fun while sitting there, playing car games the whole day. Well two of my friends visited me during the first week and no one else didn't even bother to just call me about my health. The main part is that I had milk and tasteless flakes. But all in all the first week went well.

In the second week, just in the beginning, I got bored with the tasteless flakes and asked my mom that if she could bring flavored flakes for me the next time. My mom in reply said that you'll get your flavored flakes but not today. Well she didn't bring the flavored flakes the whole week. The main problem that I had to face in the second week was respiratory issues. I had breathing difficulty and my throat would hurt whenever I sneezed and it kept getting worse for a few days. Milk was the only thing I used to calm my sore throat. In those days, I got bored of eating flakes and I watched a video of a chicken dish and I wanted to eat chicken then but I couldn't do so because of my health. Milk was the only option for me. In those days, I also started watching youtube videos more than playing games and would spend most of the time on youtube watching videos of tech, memes, bikes and some shows. I preferred youtube as my goto option to kill time more than mobile gaming. To be honest I learned a lot at that time about tech and bikes just through youtube. The week ended with extra hot days. It was so hot that my ceiling fan would throw hot air and some times I would take my shirt off and put my back against the cool wall and would drink more cold milk to refresh myself.

In the third week, I started to keep waking late at night, listening to some of the favorite Punjabi songs of that time. And the best part of that week was that as I didn't recover my mom brought me my favorite mango flavored flakes and spent the rest of the week enjoying my mango flavored flakes, milk, gaming and youtube.

In the last week, I started to drink a lot of milk and sometimes would drink about a gallon of milk in a day and not moving at all, sitting on my bed, I started to gain weight and became lazy. Those days the love for my room aka my kingdom especially my bed and my phone reached an insane level. I won't even leave my room for once and my mom would say that I'm not grounded in my room, I just can't go outside just because of my health but I would say in reply that I'm happy in my room and then she would leave my room. Just me in my own kingdom! yeah I enjoyed that time. The best thing about that week was that I recovered. I was finally allowed to eat whatever I wanted and I was pretty happy about that. I had my first piece of bread with some chicken spread. Finally MNB had returned to normal eating.

I did felt a change in me when I recovered and completed the journey and that was I became more of an introvert as I didn't felt comfortable at parks or even going outside the house. I just started to enjoy my room, my bed, my phone
(my kingdom) more than anything else.

In short, it was a tough and rough journey but it changed me completely.


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